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SXU Sites 和 Symbols

华人博彩论坛有学术印章和许多宗教地标 和 symbols that can be observed throughout the campus 和 University 社区.


从最早的纪念圣母玛利亚的设计到盾形纹章 今天,华人博彩论坛的官方印章象征着一段值得骄傲的历史 of Catholic education in Chicago.

这个印章或盾牌,由华人博彩论坛艺术系教员设计 Sister Mary Solina Hicks, R.S.M.,包括:

  • 一个黑白相间的棋盘和对角的金条来自家族的盾形纹章 圣方济各·泽维尔,是弗朗西斯·泽维尔·沃德母亲的耶稣会赞助人,弗朗西斯·泽维尔·沃德是创始人 of Saint Xavier University;
  • 红色和金色的金条,还有从修女的盾牌上取下的白色耶路撒冷十字架 of Mercy of the Americas;
  • an open book to represent education;
  • 圣经经文“我就是道路、真理、生命”(约翰福音14:6); which is the translation of the University's Latin motto "Via, Veritas, Vita."

华人博彩论坛继续使用这个印章作为其天主教身份的象征 和 Mercy heritage 和 its mission of higher education.

一些校园场地和建筑特色体现了华人博彩论坛的各个方面 educational mission, Catholic identity 和 Mercy heritage. These symbols inform, remind 并激励大学社区成员和游客了解圣泽维尔 long 和 storied tradition. Their presence captures something of the University's character in stone 和 metal 和 glass. Among the more prominent of these sites 和 symbols are the following.




这个铸铁钟位于沃德学术中心正门附近, 当圣泽维尔教堂还在芝加哥市中心的时候,它就开始为圣泽维尔教堂服务了 area. Having survived the Chicago Fire of 1871, the bell moved steadily southward with Saint Xavier until it was apparently lost in the relocation to 103rd Street. 在一位修女的拯救和保护下,这口钟于1999年回到了圣泽维尔 2004 和 was installed in its current place of honor.


这个优雅的房间是为圣泽维尔的珍贵藏书而设计的 大学图书馆是以该市第一位罗马天主教主教威廉·夸特命名的, who brought the Sisters of Mercy to Chicago.


The 49th Street Gateway Arch

49th Street Gateway Arch

创建一个正式的进入史密斯-莫里斯四方,第49街大门拱门象征着 both Saint Xavier's past 和 its future. The Arch replicates one that stood at the 圣泽维尔学院校园入口,位于49号和草堂格罗夫大道(1901-1955). 2009年在华人博彩论坛103街校区重建的拱门 在欢迎新学生的年度奖章仪式上占据突出地位 社区. The 49th Street Gateway Arch is a symbol of Saint Xavier's long history 并向所有参与比赛的学生、教职员工致敬 a part in its long service of education.


华人博彩论坛前主席设计了名为“圣母”的圣母像 大学艺术与设计系成立于1958年,并于1964年首次成立. The original sculpture was made possible by the generosity of alumni, friends 和 supporters of Saint Xavier who underwrote the project by purchasing square inches of l和 at the west end of the campus lake for $1 each. The first home of "Our Lady" came to be known as Our Lady's Acre.

经过20年的风吹雨打,这幅饱经风霜的《华人博彩论坛》得以修复 并由工匠大师和著名的雕塑修复师Andrej Dajnowski翻新. 当时,它被移到了现在的位置,在玛丽的西入口 圆. This circular plaza that frames the bronze statue contains memorial bricks purchased in memory of loved ones 和 in tribute to cherished mentors.

这座雕像张开双臂,热情地拥抱着所有的人,表达了她的热情 Mercy spirit 和 University core value of hospitality. "Our Lady" beckons all to sit 和 savor a peaceful pause in their daily activities.




通往麦克多诺教堂和仁慈部的是遗产步道 names of key Sisters of Mercy in our history. They include the University's namesake, 弗朗西丝·泽维尔·沃德嬷嬷和创立慈悲修女会的五位修女 在芝加哥, Mother Agatha O'Brien, Sr. 老文森特·麦克吉尔. 老格特鲁德·麦奎尔. Josephine Corbett, 和 Sr. 维罗妮卡 施密特. It also includes the names of the 10 Sisters of Mercy who have served as Presidents of Saint Xavier. The Heritage Walk, rededicated on 任务一天, March 27, 2019年,是为了感谢所有曾服务过的慈悲修女会 在这个校园里.


沿着走道从麦克多诺教堂到沃德学院的正门 中心是仁慈石,上面刻着17个国家的名字和成立日期 现在由仁爱修女会通过会议赞助的学院和大学 for Mercy Higher Education (CMHE). At the head of the list is Saint Xavier, founded in 1846 和 the oldest Mercy institution of higher education in the world. 安装 2005年,仁慈的岩石在校园举行了纪念历史和继续教育使命的活动 圣泽维尔仁慈修女会的成员——一次是通过芝加哥当地社区 和 now through the national association of CMHE.




一扇美丽的彩色玻璃窗,描绘了凯瑟琳·麦考利嬷嬷和一位年轻的女性 student is located in the east entrance of the Warde Academic Center. 这是真的 a homecoming when the window returned to Saint Xavier in 2005. Once, this window graced the Saint Xavier chapel at 49th Street 和 Cottage Grove. When that building was razed 在20世纪50年代末,这扇被抢救出来的窗户开始了前往纽约的漫长而神秘的旅程 奥尔良,回到芝加哥最后回到仁爱修女会,她们安置了 it on permanent loan with the institution that was its first home, Saint Xavier.

Pillars at the Warde Academic Center Entrance

华人博彩论坛自豪地宣布其基本的教育理念 八根柱子的形式支配着沃德学术中心的主要入口. 就像它们支撑着入口天篷一样,文科和理科也支撑着入口天篷 SXU's academic program. In gold letters at the top of each pillar is emblazoned the name of one of the classical liberal arts: the 三学科 of grammar, logic, rhetoric 和 the 四门学科 of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy 和 music. The eighth pillar boasts the word "wisdom," the intended goal of a Saint Xavier education.


Statue of Mother Frances Xavier Warde, R.S.M.

Mother Frances Xavier Warde

华人博彩论坛委托制作了美国修女会创始人的雕塑 of Mercy, Frances Xavier Warde, R.S.M., by artist Sister Marie Henderson, R.S.M., for dedication on 任务一天 2018. Cast in bronze, this artistic rendering of Frances 泽维尔·沃德反映了她35岁时的形象,当时她和其他五名开拓者 爱尔兰妇女把第一个仁爱修女会带到芝加哥的羽翼未丰的城市 1846. Mother Frances Xavier Warde, Sisters Agatha O'Brien, novices Vincent McGirr 和 Gertrude McGuire, 和 postulants Eliza (Sr. Josephine) Corbett 和 Eva (Sr. 维罗妮卡) 施密特 are considered the founders of Saint Xavier University. 英国的编年史 慈悲修女会说:“很可能没有一个女人是为教会而活的 in the United States owes more than it does to Frances Warde."

Statue of Saint Francis Xavier

这座雕像,代表着大学的守护神,曾经矗立在小教堂里 在圣泽维尔的第49街和Cottage Grove校区,现在占据了中庭 of McDonough Chapel 和 the Mercy Ministry Center. The parallels between the vocation 和圣方济各的事工,西班牙耶稣会传教士和教育家 16世纪,弗朗西斯·泽维尔·沃德母亲,爱尔兰慈悲修女传教士 educator of the 19th century, are remarkable. Together, they lend their names 和 inspiration to Saint Xavier University. While Mother Frances' name graces the University's 主要的学术大楼,圣弗朗西斯的身影提醒着所有大学的深刻 的天主教.


The Robert 和 Mary Rita Stump 图书馆 Windows

Robert 和 Mary Rita Stump 图书馆 Windows

“圣灵将教你一切”是七块彩色玻璃窗的名字 that loom majestically over the main reading room of the University library. 捐赠 by the late Mayor Richard J. Daley as a tribute to his father, these exquisite windows 是圣泽维尔致力于文科和理科的艺术表现. Symbols for the classical 三学科四门学科 ——语法、逻辑、修辞学、算术、几何、天文学和音乐——都被嵌入其中 在窗口. The Holy Spirit, portrayed as a dove in flight, soars over the whole to signify wisdom, the goal of all learning.

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